Kids At The Fair...Everywhere!
September 5, 6 & 7, 2025
Uxbridge Fall Fair,
180 Main St. S, Elgin Park, Uxbridge, ON

Photography Policy

Please be advised that members or agents of the Uxbridge-Scott Agricultural Society (“U.S.A.S.”) will be taking photographs and videos for advertising and commercial use during the Uxbridge Fall Fair and other related Society activities.  The U.S.A.S. reserves the exclusive right to photograph all participants, attendees, performers, exhibitors and volunteers (without exception). Your attendance at a U.S.A.S. event constitutes consent to be photographed for use in print or electronic publicity solely by the U.S.A.S.

To ensure the privacy of individuals and children, images will not be identified using full names or personal identifying information without written approval from the photographed subject, parent or legal guardian. If you object to your likeness being used in any form, please come to the Fair Office prior to the close of the Fair and provide your full name, address and telephone number and allow us to photograph you in order to have your likeness excluded.  Forms may be obtained at the Uxbridge Public Library or Township Office before September 3rd.