Kids At The Fair...Everywhere!
September 5, 6 & 7, 2025
Uxbridge Fall Fair,
180 Main St. S, Elgin Park, Uxbridge, ON

Sponsorship Opportunities for 2023

Thank you so much for your support of the 2022 Uxbridge Fall Fair. Your generous contribution helped make the Fair a success and we had a record-breaking number of visitors through the gates with Elgin Park almost filled to capacity!

The Fall Fair is back September 8, 9, and 10, 2023, and once again we’re looking for the support of our sponsors to make this year’s fair the best ever.

The Fair Board has been working to confirm events and we’re pleased to confirm favourites including the midway, Tractor Pull, Demolition Derby, the Cruise In, and a full line-up of entertainment in the Bandshell.

Each year the Uxbridge Fall Fair attracts thousands of people to revel in the joys of living in an agricultural community. The generosity of local businesses, organizations and individuals makes this highly anticipated event possible. In fact, the Fair would not be possible without our community’s involvement and support.

Located at Elgin Park, this three-day event is filled with traditional fair activities including a demolition derby, tractor pull, agriculture displays, livestock demonstrations and exhibits, handicrafts, music and entertainment.

As a ‘not for profit’ event we have a budget of approximately $180,000. This is NOT financed by the Township of Uxbridge although they are very supportive. ALL MONIES are raised through sponsors, donations, a small grant, the gates, and a percentage payment from the midway.
We hope with your support this year’s 159th Fair will serve as a celebration of the spirit of community we’re so fortunate to have in Uxbridge.

Please click here for sponsorship form.



The Sponsorship Committee

Uxbridge Fall Fair

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