Kids At The Fair...Everywhere!
September 5, 6 & 7, 2025
Uxbridge Fall Fair,
180 Main St. S, Elgin Park, Uxbridge, ON

Horse Pull

Horse Pull 2024

Section J

Sunday, September 8, 2024

CHAIRPERSON: Howie Herrema (905) 852-5306


1. Exhibitors MUST register through Assist Expo by Sunday, September 1, 2024. Exhibitors bringing 1 - 4 animals may have free admittance for up to 3 assistants. Exhibitors bringing 5 or more animals may have free admittance for up to 4 assistants.
Exhibitors who do not pre-register will not be admitted to the Fair Grounds.

2. CHECK IN at the ring 1 hour prior to event to be accepted.

3. All Livestock entries MUST include the Uxbridge Fair Premises ID # ON4232599.

4. Maximum 1 entry per class per contestant.

5. Heavy and light teams may be pulled simultaneously. (a) Light-weight class - teams whose combined girth is 165 inches or less.

6. Teams competing are to be measured on grounds prior to the event by a Committee official.

7. A qualifying draw (pull) must be a minimum of 15 measured feet and be made within the designated course. Knocking down a course marker is a fault, disqualifying the draw.

8. Each team will be allowed 2 drawing attempts with a time maximum of 3 minutes between draws.

9. One driver and 2 helpers per team will be permitted, however, any interference by helpers will constitute a fault, disqualifying the draw.

10. The same driver (and helpers) may handle more than 1 team.

11. Slashing with reins or whipping, whilst in contest, will constitute a fault, disqualifying the draw.

12. The chairperson has the right to check equipment at any time during the competition.

13. In the event of breakage during a drawing attempt, a new draw will be required. Officials will rule on the time the next draw is to be made.

14. Officials and contestants only allowed in the course area during draw.

15. No electrical devices or drugs to be used on horses.

16. An official Veterinarian will rule on the eligibility to participate as far as health of animals is concerned.

17. Team must make first drawing attempt within 5 minutes after being called.

18. Horses used may draw in one class only. Team breakdown for girth requirements is not permitted.

19. The decision of the Judge is final.

20. The Uxbridge Fair Board is a member of the Central Canadian Horse Pulling Association whose rules will take precedence over the above rules if a conflict occurs.

21. Exhibitors are required to carry their own liability insurance of no less than $5 million dollars. You may be asked for proof of insurance and/or your age. Bring your documents with you.

22. Please read the Rules & Regulations of the Uxbridge Fair.

Prizes: 1st: $350, 2nd: $310, 3rd: $270, 4th: $230, 5th: $190, $115

Prize: Ribbons

$115.00 will be paid to each entry that does not place.

Special prizes:

Herralea Farms Trophy Prize: TROPHY

To the owner of the winning team in the Light Horse Draw

Norm Faulkner Memorial Trophy Prize: TROPHY

To the owner of the winning team in the Heavy Horse Draw.



Lightweight - combined girth is 165 " or less

Please include Horse Names in the description section of your entry.


Heavyweight - combined girth is more than 165"

Please include the Horse Names in the description section of your entry.

How to Enter a Competition

Step 1

Find your exhibitor class and section in the online Fair Book.

Step 2

Click the link to our online entry form managed by AssistExpo.  Login if you have used this system previously.  If you are entering for the first time, you’ll need to register by completing your name and contact information.  In the AssistExpo form, complete your contest registration and follow the directions on screen. AssistExpo will generate an Exhibitor number for you.  Save this number with your username and password.

Step 3

Print or save your confirmation message.  Get your printed tags.  Remember the date and time when exhibits are to be delivered to the fair.

Competition Rules

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